Give Hope, Give Help; Become a Warrior for Mental Health Today image

Give Hope, Give Help; Become a Warrior for Mental Health Today

Give monthly. Receive your "Warr;or for Mental Health" t-shirt

Choose your own amount


Become a Warrior for Mental Health Donor Now!


The "Warrior for Mental Health" program is more than just a donation program. It's a chance to make a real impact on the lives of those in our communities who are struggling with mental health challenges. By becoming a warrior, you're joining a community of passionate, committed individuals who believe in the power of education, conversation, and awareness to change lives.

Your contributions go directly to initiatives that provide critical mental health resources and support to those who need it most, including low-income individuals and BIPOC communities. As a warrior, you'll be supporting coaching, speaking events, and educational programs designed to prevent suicide and reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.

But it's not just about what your donation does for others. It's about what being a warrior can do for you. By joining this program, you're making a statement about the importance of mental health and the need to prioritize it in our communities. You're taking an active role in breaking down the barriers to care and support that have kept so many people from accessing the help they need.

Together, we can make mental health matter. We can start the conversations, raise awareness, and provide the education and resources necessary to support those in need. By becoming a warrior for mental health, you're not just donating money. You're making a difference.

Step 1

Donate at least $19 per month and receive your shirt.

Step 2

Take a photo in your Warr;or for Mental Health shirt.

Step 3

Share it and tag us @bccevolution #warriorformentalhealth

Become a Warrior for Mental Health

Sign up and pledge $19 or more per month or $228 per year and get a BCC Evolution "Warr;or for Mental Health"* T-shirt.

$39 or more per month or $468 per year you will get a T-shirt AND a "Warr;or for Mental Health" 20 oz. Tumbler.

Organizations, companies, businesses click HERE to select the business level option instead.

Take the pledge and show the world that you are a Warrior for Mental Health. If you do not select a size on the form, you will receive a size XL.

Be sure to select the corresponding amount and the frequency within the options. Reach out to if you have any questions or issues.

*Please note: These gifts are limited to U.S. and Canada residents only. Non-U.S. and Canada residents who choose to donate will not receive the T-shirt or tumbler.

All shirts are Bella Canvas Unisex (men's sizes).